Children and Young People: Discipline Lord Ouseley asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they have studied the effect of social workers' intervention into matters of parental discipline of children; and whether they propose to take any action to enable parental responsibility to be exercised without such intervention. [HL3213] The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Education and Skills (Lord Adonis) The department commissioned a review of What Works in Parenting Support? A Review of the International Evidence in 20041. This report has been very influential in both policy and practice. The report notes that intervention with parents by various professionals can be successful. The department has commissioned further research to look in more depth at parental support. As part of the Government's reforms of the children's workforce, the common core of skills and knowledge has been developed and in conjunction with national bodies, is being incorporated into national occupational standards. The common core specifies the skills and knowledge that all those who come into regular contact with children, young people and families should have. The common core was consulted on extensively and parenting groups were involved in its development. Social workers must also sign up to a code of practice that sets out how they work with service users. This means that those working with parents and children are required to respect their rights and promote their independence while also protecting from harm. 1 *DfES Report and Brief 574: