Health: Cord Blood Lord Alton of Liverpool asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they will provide comprehensive information to pregnant women on cord blood donation; and [HL3339] Whether they will provide the infrastructure to allow the easy collection of cord blood in delivery units; and [HL3340] Whether they will take steps to promote cord blood stem cell technology to the public; and [HL3342] Whether they will work with the royal colleges, especially the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, to bring cord blood technology to the general public. [HL3344] The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Work and Pensions (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath) The Government are supporting the NHS cord blood bank with approximately £10 million which involves collection from Barnet General, Northwick Park and Luton and Dunstable Hospitals and soon Watford General Hospital. Comprehensive information about cord blood banking, and its clinical use, is provided to inform mothers at these hospitals. These hospitals have been selected as they are in areas of greater ethnic diversity. Approximately 40 per cent of samples are collected from black and minority-ethnic mothers thus improving the coverage of the NHS cord blood bank. The Government are also supportive of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, which has provided advice and guidance to professionals and mothers about private cord blood collection. In particular, the Government endorse the advice to National Health Service trusts to consider local policy around private and other cord blood banking, and in particular to maximise the safety of the mother and baby. For this reason, the NHS cord blood bank employs additional staff to undertake cord blood collection in order not to burden the local midwife with additional responsibilities. The Government have also noted the recommendation of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to consider the future funding infrastructure for cord blood banking in light of future developments.