Mentally Ill: HM Prison Armley John Battle To ask the Secretary of State for Health what proportion of prisoners currently in HM Prison Armley has been diagnosed as having (a) mental health, (b) alcohol-related and (c) drug-related problems; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Ivan Lewis The information requested is not held centrally. A survey, “Psychiatric morbidity among prisoners in England and Wales (Office for National Statistics, 1998)” showed that 90 per cent. of prisoners have at least one significant mental health problem, including personality disorder, psychosis, neurosis, alcohol misuse and drug dependence. A copy is available in the Library. Mental health services for prisoners have been a key part of the government’s recent reforms of health services for prisoners. The Department is now investing £20 million a year in national health service mental health in-reach services for prisoners. These are community mental health teams working within prisons and are now available in 102 prisons, with some 360 extra staff employed. Every prison in England and Wales has access to these services. Information on how many prisoners receive these services is not collected centrally.