Legal Costs Norman Baker To ask the hon. Member for North Devon, representing the House of Commons Commission how much was spent on legal (a) advice and (b) actions on behalf of (i) the Commission as a whole and (ii) individual members of the Commission in each year since 1997. Nick Harvey It is not possible to disaggregate legal costs specifically for the Commission or individual members of it. However, the total legal costs paid since 2003-04 have been: --------------------------------- | |£ | --------------------------------- |2003-04 |111,813| --------------------------------- |2004-05 |165,350| --------------------------------- |2005-06 |130,987| --------------------------------- |2006-07 |789,802| --------------------------------- |2007-08 (first quarter)|54,416 | --------------------------------- Figures are not available prior to 2003-04. The information provided is based on costs paid to the Treasury Solicitors who act on behalf of the House of Commons and disbursements incurred during claims. Types of cases and advice received include: Personal injury claims made against the House, employment tribunals, FOI appeals, advice on MPs allowances and expenses, Parliamentary Privilege Bill, judicial review proceedings, Legal Services Bill and air passenger duty. The figures for 2004-05 to 2006-07 also include legal and project fees paid in order to resolve claims on Portcullis House and Normal Shaw South. These alone amounted to £96,154 (2004-05), £79,159 (2005-06) and £596,586 (2006-07).