Departmental Expenditure Mr. Philip Hammond To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what efficiency savings his Department was required to make as part of its Spending Review 2004 (SR04) targets; what efficiency projects have been undertaken in the Department in pursuit of those targets; on what date each was initiated; and how much each was predicted to contribute to the SR04 target. Margaret Hodge The Department has five efficiency programme streams that contribute to its overall target of £262 million savings over the SR04 spending period. Latest figures up to June 2007 are: ----------------------------------------------------------------- | |June 2007 outturn|March 2008 target| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |DCMS Internal |1 |2 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Museums and galleries NDPBs|52.9 |45 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Heritage NDPBs |12.8 |14 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Strategic NDPBs |52.2 |55 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Local authorities |84.6 |146 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- |Total |203.5 |262 | ----------------------------------------------------------------- Our efficiency savings are reported publicity in our Departmental Annual Report and our Autumn Performance Report. The 2007 Autumn Performance Report, due to be published in December, will contain the latest figures up to September 2007.