Fuel Poverty: Stroud Mr. Drew To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform what percentage of pensioner householders were defined as being in fuel poverty in Stroud constituency in each of the last 10 years. Malcolm Wicks In 2003 the Fuel Poverty Indicator dataset (available online at http://www.fuelpoverty indicator.org.uk/) estimates that there are approximately 2,700 fuel poor households in Stroud. There is no split available for whether these are pensioner households or not. Nationally 47 per cent. of households that are fuel poor have a household compositions of “couple, no dependent child(ren), aged 60 or over” or “one person aged 60 or over”. These data are available from the “Detailed Breakdown of Fuel Poverty in England in 2004; Version 1, April 2004” available online at: http://www.berr.gov.uk/files/file29687.pdf There are no timeline data available.