Cigarette Advertising (P & O Ferries) Sir George Young asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he has seen the advertisement by P. & O. Normandy Ferries "French Streaker", offering passengers 200 king size cigarettes with their tickets; and whether it is in accordance with the code of practice for cigarette advertising. Mr. Moyle The advertisement to which the hon. Member refers was evidently placed by a shipping company and thus does not constitute a cigarette advertisement within the meaning of the code of practice for cigarette advertising. I would hope, nevertheless, that those responsible for making offers which include free gifts would take into account the Government's known policy on the danger to health of smoking and would avoid in particular offering free gifts of cigarettes in such a way that persons who may not already be smokers might thus be encouraged to take up the habit. I am approaching the General Council of British Shipping on this matter.