Lone Parents Mrs. Hayman asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what would be the saving on staff to his Department if the collection of maintenance for lone parents on supplementary benefit were taken over by another agency for(a)all, (b)90 per cent., (c) 75 per cent., (d)60 per cent. and(e)50 per cent. of all existing cases where his Department currently collects payments. Mr. Deakins pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 15th December 1978; Vol. 960, c. 469],gave the following information:In the absence of detailed information as to the functions to be carried out by another agency it is not possible to estimate what the overall staff savings to my Department would be. Certainly, if the responsibilities of the agency did not include guaranteeing payment in cases where the liable relative defaulted, the staff numbers in my Department might well increase in consequences of such a change.