Supplementary Teachers (Salaries) Mr. G. Thomas asked the Minister of Education if she is aware of the disappointment caused by her decision not to recognise the salary scale for supplementary teachers as proposed by the Cardiff Education Committee; and whether, in view of the small number of persons involved, she is now prepared to reconsider her decision. Miss Wilkinson The Cardiff Education Committee proposed to pay the supplementary teachers in question at the maximum of the scale recommended by the Burnham Committee for unqualified teachers whose employment is allowed under Regulation 15 (3) (a), 15 (3) (c) and 15 (3) (d) of the Primary and Secondary Schools (Grant Conditions) Regulations, 1945. This scale does not apply to supplementary teachers, but I have intimated to the authority my readiness in this case to approve a rate of pay making an increase of remuneration which is in reasonable relation to the rates recommended for unqualified teachers.