Road Traffic Offences Mr. Jeremy Browne To ask the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs how many (a) parking tickets and (b) speeding fines were issued for vehicles used by his Department in each of the last 10 years. Jonathan Shaw DEFRA came into being in June 2001. The information requested for each of the last 10 years could be provided only at disproportionate cost. For the calendar years 2002 to 2007 inclusive the recorded number held centrally of parking tickets and speeding fines are; ------------- | |Number| ------------- |2002|21 | ------------- |2003|68 | ------------- |2004|61 | ------------- |2005|53 | ------------- |2006|26 | ------------- |2007|60 | ------------- Parking fines are not recorded separately from other fines. It is departmental policy that drivers are responsible personally for the payment of fines incurred by them while using a vehicle on departmental business.