Roads: Accidents Mr. Drew To ask the Secretary of State for Transport when the final report of the research study examining accident statistics on the trunk road network will be published; what assessment she has made of the results of the study for the continued use of stone mastic asphalt surfaces on roads; and if she will make a statement. Mr. Tom Harris The Highways Agency publishes an annual report on the safety performance of the trunk road network based on an examination of the road traffic accident statistics contained in a database of personal injury road accidents known as STATS19. This can be found at The current report, Accidents on the trunk road network - 2006, was published in October 2007. The Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) research report, 'Early Life Skid Resistance - An Assessment of Accident Risk', pertaining to the use of 'bespoke' proprietary thin surfacings on the trunk roads has been delivered to the Highways Agency to consider its recommendations and conclusions. The report will be available to the public and the highway authorities through TRL from April onwards. Stone mastic asphalt is not used on the trunk road network.