Childbirth: Social Security Andrew Mackinlay To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) if he will take steps to ensure that parents whose child is premature and is in neo-natal care are made aware of all financial and other support schemes available to them; and if he will make a statement; (2) if he will improve existing financial and other support schemes available to parents whose child is premature and is in neo-natal care; and if he will make a statement. Ann Keen The “Pregnancy Book” (given to all first time mothers by their midwife at an early appointment after they become pregnant) and “Birth to Five” both give detailed information on the financial and other sources of help and advice available to parents of a newborn child. The financial help available includes the sure start maternity grant, statutory maternity pay and the maternity allowance. We understand there are no plans to increase this financial help at this time. This help will be supplemented from 2009 by the health in pregnancy grant (HiPG). The HiPG will be a one-off payment of £190 available to all expectant mothers ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom, which can be claimed from the 25th week of pregnancy. The grant will provide flexible financial help to support the general health and well-being of women in the later stages of pregnancy, which will contribute to the health of the baby, and to help meet wider costs in the run up to birth.