Housing: Disabled People Bob Spink To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (1) how much was spent by Castle Point Borough Council on improving homes for disabled people in each of the last three years; and if she will make a statement; (2) how many home improvement grants for disabled people were (a) applied for and (b) awarded in Castle Point constituency in each of the last three years. Mr. Iain Wright Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) is a mandatory grant used to provide adaptations to the homes of disabled people. Local authorities in England report their annual Disabled Facilities Grant expenditure and the number of recipients of Disabled Facilities Grant through the Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix. The 2006-07 Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix report will be published shortly. The 2003-04 to 2005-06 expenditure is provided in the following table. Communities and Local Government provide 60 per cent. of the value of the Disabled Facilities Grant to local authorities. Local authorities fund the remaining 40 per cent. from other sources. In addition to Disabled Facilities Grant local authorities may improve the homes of disabled people with other funding streams not reported as part of the Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix. Communities and Local Government do not hold this information or information on how many people have applied for home improvement grants. The following table sets out Disabled Facilities Grant expenditure for Castle Point borough council: ----------------------------------------------- | |2003-04|2004-05|2005-06| ----------------------------------------------- |Total expenditure (£)|243,000|214,000|319,000| ----------------------------------------------- |CLG contribution (£) |145,000|90,000 |116,000| ----------------------------------------------- |Number receiving DFG |36 |31 |55 | -----------------------------------------------