Departmental Freedom of Information Norman Baker To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform what percentage of Freedom of Information requests received by his Department have given rise to responses that have been published by his Department. Mr. Thomas Our Department has adopted a selective disclosure log whereby only the most interesting and high profile pieces of information which may be of wider public interest are published on the Department’s website. We believe that if the public has greater understanding of the sorts of information a public authority holds, it will enable them to make better informed requests for information in the future. In 2007 this resulted in 20 responses being published on the website which represents about 4 per cent. of cases which were processed during the year. In the two previous years, 2006 and 2005 since the FOI access right came into force approximately 2 per cent. of cases (13 and 15 respectively) were published on the Department’s website.