Departmental ICT Mr. Hoban To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform how many of his Department's personal digital assistants were (a) lost and (b) stolen in each of the last five years; and what the value of those items was. Mr. Thomas A breakdown of lost/stolen PDAs is provided in the following table for the past five years. My Department's records do not readily differentiate between items reported as lost or stolen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |PDAs reported missing|Approximate cumulative value1| --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |2007 |— |— | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |2006 |1 |270.00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |2005 |3 |900.00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |2004 |1 |300.00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |2003 |1 |300.00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |1 January to December| | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------