Departmental Public Expenditure Mr. Gerald Howarth To ask the Secretary of State for Defence (1) if he will break down, by sub-head in (a) near cash and (b) non-cash terms his Department’s (i) gross resource outturn, (ii) operating appropriations in aid outturn, (iii) gross capital outturn and (iv) non-operating appropriations in aid outturn for financial years 2001-02 to 2006-07; (2) what his Department’s (a) gross resource departmental expenditure limit (DEL), (b) operating appropriations in aid, (c) net capital DEL and (d) non-operating appropriations in aid outturn, broken down in (i) near cash and (ii) non cash terms, was for financial years 2000-01 to 2006-07. Mr. Bob Ainsworth I will write to the hon. Member and place a copy of my letter in the Library of the House. Substantive answer from Bob Ainsworth to Gerald Howarth: I undertook to write to you in answer to your Parliamentary Questions on 4 March 2008, Official Report, column 2346W and 5 March 2008, Official Report, column 2284W, with details on various aspects of Departmental Public expenditure. Attached at Annex A are tables which provide a detailed breakdown of the Department’s outturn for 2001-02 to 2006-07, together with a breakdown of the Department’s Spring Supplementary Estimate for 2007-08. The figures are based on the accounting regime in effect at the time that those accounts were produced. Prior to financial year 2001-02, all Departmental expenditure recorded in the Estimates and accounts was on a cash basis. This data was published in the Estimates reports and end of year Appropriations Accounts, copies of which can be found in the Library of the House. Prior to the introduction of Stage 2 Resource Accounting and Budgeting (RAB) in Financial Year 2003-04 non-cash DEL did not exist as a budgeting aggregate. The non-cash costs were scored to Non-Cash AME. I am placing a copy of my letter in the Library of the House.