Road Improvements (Wellingborough) The Humble Petition of residents of Croyland ward of Wellingborough and surrounding areas, Sheweth, That The Kingsway, a road in Wellingborough, is in disrepair, speed humps are severely damaged and the footpath is in a deplorable state. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your Honourable House urges the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to liaise with Northamptonshire County Council to provide, a) a complete resurfacing of the road and footpath, b) the removal of all speed humps and c) a revision of traffic calming measures including the installation of chicanes and a Vehicle Activated Speed Sign. And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c.—[Presented by Mr. Peter Bone, Official Report, 18 March 2008; Vol. 473, c. 895.] [P000155] Observations from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government: Improvements to the road infrastructure in the Wellingborough area are primarily the responsibility of the local highway authority, in this case Northamptonshire County Council, and thus the Secretary of State would not normally comment on the condition of local roads. Government Office for the East Midlands understand that although Northamptonshire County Council have undertaken some road improvements in the Croyland Ward area these were done some time ago, and the County Council are unaware of the recent concerns of the residents in that area. They do have a large number of conflicting priorities across the county, but will try to ensure that appropriate action is taken to best serve the concerns of the local residents. Northamptonshire County Council have advised that, to best do this, sight of the petition with details of the concerns would be most helpful.