Justice Lord Laird asked Her Majesty's Government: Whether they have any proposals to alter the laws protecting the right to liberty and security; if so, when; and whether they will (a) abolish the detention of persons under 18; (b) abolish the detention of immigrants, either on arrival or prior to removal; (c) require communication of reasons for detention in accessible and appropriate language; (d) create a right of detained persons to be visited by medical practitioners, lawyers and family members at any time; and (e) create a presumption against remand; and [HL3461] Whether they have any proposals to alter the laws on equality and discrimination in the United Kingdom; if so, when; and whether they will (a) widen the grounds of discrimination beyond those protected in European Union law; (b) adopt positive discrimination in favour of defined social groups; and (c) ensure that disabled persons enjoy human rights equally with others; and [HL3462] Whether they have any proposals to alter the laws on the right to life and protection against state killing; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create an equivalent horizontal right to life, protecting persons from other persons as well as from the state; (b) retrospectively apply the Human Rights Act 1998 to deaths which occurred before 2 October 2000; (c) extend the law on inquests to allow witnesses to be compelled to give evidence; and (d) alter the law on the minimum use of force to create a different test for persons under the age of 18; and [HL3463] Whether they have any proposals to alter any laws protecting the right to physical integrity; if so, when; and whether they will (a) extend hate-crime legislation to cover all forms of discrimination; and (b) give women the right to control their reproduction; and [HL3464] Whether they have any proposals to alter the laws prohibiting inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; if so, when; and whether they will (a) reform the law permitting the return of a person to a country where he may be legally executed; and (b) prohibit evidence obtained through ill treatment or torture from being admissible in criminal proceedings; and [HL3465] Whether they have any proposals to alter the laws prohibiting slavery and forced labour; if so, when; and whether they will only permit work in prison which is rehabilitative; and [HL3466] Whether they propose to alter the law on the right to respect for private and family life; if so, when; and whether they will (a) add freedom from domestic violence and the protection of the best interests of the child to those rights; (b) repeal statutory limitations on non-nationals marrying and entering into civil partnerships; (c) strengthen data protection legislation to make processing of data subject to the consent of the persons concerned; and (d) remove all exemptions to disclosure of personal information; and [HL3488] Whether they propose to alter the law on the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; if so, when; and whether they will abolish all oaths imposed by state bodies; and [HL3489] Whether they propose to alter the law on the right to freedom of expression; if so, when; and whether they will (a) extend freedom of information legislation to cover information required for the exercise or protection of human rights; (b) add consideration of the best interests of children to the limitations on that right; and (c) alter the law on restrictions on free speech through the extension of anti-hatred legislation to cover all grounds of discrimination; and [HL3490] Whether they propose to alter the law on the right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly; if so, when; and whether they will (a) reverse the emphasis of the right to make association more important than peaceful assembly; (b) add the right to participate in trade-union activities (including the rights to strike and engage in collective bargaining) to the rights to form and join trade unions; (c) alter the law on restrictions on peaceful assembly and association through the extension of anti-hatred legislation to cover all grounds of discrimination; and (d) grant trade-union rights to the Armed Forces; and [HL3491] Whether they propose to alter the law on the right to culture, language and identity; if so, when; and whether they will (a) incorporate in domestic law the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe; (b) limit cultural, ethnic, linguistic, religious and communal minority rights so as not to conflict with the rights and freedoms of others; (c) protect against coercive cultural assimilation by public bodies; (d) create a right for indigenous and non-indigenous groups to be educated through minority languages; and (e) treat sexual orientation as a basis for national minority status; and [HL3492] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to nationality and identity; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create a right in domestic law to nationality equivalent to the right in international law not to be stateless; and (b) add to nationality law provisions barring discrimination on all grounds except nationality; and [HL3517] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to education and lifelong learning; if so, when; and whether they will (a) add lifelong learning to the existing right to education; (b) ensure private educational institutions respect democratic principles; (c) work towards the realisation of universal educational access and achievement; (d) create extensive rights for children in education; and (e) ensure education is provided in accordance with parental preferences; and [HL3518] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to an adequate standard of living; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create a right to an adequate standard of living; (b) create a right to the continuous improvement of living conditions; and (c) work towards the realisation of these two rights; and [HL3519] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to the highest attainable standard of health; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create a right to receive appropriate health and social care; (b) alter the law on reproductive healthcare; (c) work towards the realisation of the right to the highest attainable standard of health; (d) create a right to emergency medical treatment and essential primary healthcare; and (e) create a right for children to have access to information on social and health issues; and [HL3520] Whether they propose to alter the law on the right to housing; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create a right to adequate housing that is affordable, accessible, habitable, safe and appropriate, with access to public services and social facilities; (b) create a right to appropriate emergency accommodation; (c) work towards the realisation of the right to adequate housing; and (d) make public authorities responsible for housing those evicted by the courts; and [HL3521] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to a sustainable environment; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create a right to a sustainable, healthy and safe environment; (b) provide public information on the environment; and (c) foster participation in decisions on planning applications; and [HL3522] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to work; if so, when; and whether they will alter the law on (a) the right to choose freely and practise a trade or profession; (b) conditions of work and terms of employment; (c) equal conditions of work for women and men; (d) equal treatment for migrant and national workers; (e) entitlement to rest, leisure, respite and reasonable limitation of working hours, as well as appropriate provision for retirement; and (f) equality of opportunity and fair treatment of pregnant women and workers with children; and [HL3553] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to social security; if so, when; and whether they will work towards the realisation of this right, including the right to social assistance, social insurance and pensions; and [HL3554] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to a fair and non-discriminatory justice system; if so, when; and whether they will (a) create additional informal justice mechanisms; and (b) ensure that all those in the administration of justice are recruited or appointed on the basis of objective and non-discriminatory criteria relating to qualifications and experience; and [HL3555] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to a fair trial; if so, when; and whether they will (a) remove civil rights from the ambit of this right; (b) ensure the right of appeal to a higher tribunal; (c) provide information on rights in appropriate and accessible language; (d) ensure the right to silence with no adverse inferences being drawn subsequently by juries or judges; (e) ensure the right to trial by jury; (f) allow defendants to compel witnesses; (g) ensure evidence incompatible with human rights is inadmissible; (h) ensure the free use of an interpreter in custody; (i) ensure no child or other vulnerable person is subjected to the ordinary criminal process; and (j) ensure there are no controls on lawyers; and [HL3556] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to humane conditions of detention; if so, when; and whether they will (a) ensure there is no deprivation or restriction of any human right except to the extent demonstrably necessitated by the fact of detention; (b) ensure information is provided on the reasons for deprivation of liberty; (c) ensure that treatment or other support that enables reformation and social rehabilitation is provided; (d) ensure that there is prompt access to appropriate legal and medical assistance and pastoral care; (f) provide adequate support for the families and children of prisoners and ex-prisoners; and (g) provide for the reintegration and resettlement of former prisoners into society under the best possible conditions; and [HL3557] Whether they propose to alter any law on the rights of victims and witnesses to fair treatment; if so, when; and whether they will ensure witnesses are treated in the same manner as victims; and [HL3558] Whether they propose to alter any law on the rights of children and vulnerable adults as witnesses and victims of crime; if so, when; and whether they will require children and vulnerable adults only to be cross-examined by trained individuals with appropriate expertise; and [HL3617] Whether they propose to alter any law on the rights of victims of crime or of human rights violations; if so, when; and whether they will (a) require full disclosure of the truth relating to relevant crimes or human rights violations; (b) ensure necessary care and support is provided in accordance with the needs of victims; (c) require thorough investigation of missing persons; (d) ensure that status as a victim of crime is not dependent upon whether the crime is reported to the police; and (e) ensure that lawyers and voluntary sector workers are also to be treated as victims; and [HL3618] Whether they propose to alter any law on the rights of children and young people in the justice system; if so, when; and whether they will (a) treat every person under 18 as a child; (b) ensure the best interests of the child are the paramount consideration; (c) raise the age of criminal responsibility to 18; and (d) ensure that children are not detained or imprisoned except as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time; and [HL3619] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to participate in public life; if so, when; and whether they will ensure there is (a) the opportunity without discrimination to participate freely in public life and political affairs; (b) a balance of men and women holding domestic and international public positions; (c) equal representation of men and women in the formulation of government policy; and (d) an increased role for women in decision-making with regard to conflict prevention and resolution; and [HL3620] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to freedom of movement; if so, when; and whether they will provide (a) the right to a passport for citizens; and (b) special treatment for trafficked people, domestic workers and victims of domestic violence; and [HL3621] Whether they propose to alter any law on the right to choose a nomadic or settled lifestyle; if so, when; and whether they will permit persons to change from one lifestyle to another; and [HL3664] Whether they propose to alter any law on the rights of the child; if so, when; and whether they will (a) extend all human rights and fundamental freedoms to children; (b) ensure the best interests of the child are the paramount consideration for all public bodies and private institutions; (c) ensure the right of children to participate; (d) ensure a child's right to a stable, safe and secure family environment; (e) provide a right to play; and (f) ensure that under-18s are not recruited into the Armed Forces; and [HL3665] Whether they plan to repeal the Human Rights Act 1998 in part or all of the United Kingdom; and [HL3666] Whether they plan to dispense with the United Kingdom's powers to derogate from and to make reservations under the European Convention on Human Rights; and [HL3667] Whether they plan to empower the courts of the United Kingdom to apply unincorporated international human rights law; and [HL3668] Whether they plan to establish human rights courts or tribunals. [HL3669] The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice (Lord Hunt of Kings Heath) In view of the number and breadth of the Questions posed by the noble Lord, I shall reply to him by means of a letter once I have collated the information relevant to his Questions; and I shall place a copy of that letter in the Library.