Graduates Jenny Willott To ask the Secretary of State for Innovation, Universities and Skills how many and what proportion of working-age people had a degree or equivalent qualification in each year since 1997, broken down by local authority; and if he will make a statement. Bill Rammell The number of women aged 19-59 and men aged 19-64 in England who hold at least a level 4 qualification increased by nearly 1.9 million between quarter 4, 1997 and quarter 4, 2007. The proportion increased by 8.6 percentage points from 22.3 per cent. to 30.9 per cent. The supply of graduates has been rising steadily and we know employer demand for graduates remains high. Most large employers (81 per cent.—LSC survey on recruitment and training among large employers, 2008) see a level 4 qualification or above as a good indicator for skills. We want to ensure that graduates have both the specialist and broader skills which employers value and that their employment rates remain high. Through “Higher Education at Work - High Skills: High Value” we are consulting on our high-level skills strategy and will consider carefully the responses to help us take forward our plans to improve graduate employability and to raise the skills and capability of those already in work. DIUS uses the Annual Population Survey (APS) and its predecessor, the Annual Local Area Labour Force Survey (ALALFS) to provide estimates about numbers and proportions of the population with a degree or equivalent qualification for English local authorities. These local estimates are available at: Series are available via this link back to 2001/02 for both the working-age population (i.e. women aged 16-59 and men aged 16-64 (16-59/64)) and the 19-59/64 population which is now the focus for DIUS reporting. Data for earlier years for the 16-59/64 population are also published by the Office for National Statistics via the NOMIS website at: However, it should be noted that all these local estimates are currently undergoing revision following the reweighting of all underlying datasets to reflect more up-to-date population estimates from ONS. The DIUS series will be revised in August. The updating of the NOMIS series will be completed in the coming months.