Prisons: Sign Language Dr. Vis To ask the Secretary of State for Justice how many British Sign Language users worked in each prison at the latest date for which figures are available. Maria Eagle Information on the number of prison staff or official visitors who are able to use British Sign Language is not collated centrally nor required to be recorded locally. A number of staff based at prison establishments have chosen to learn British Sign Language (BSL), however there is no requirement for them to disclose or record this either locally or nationally. There are also organisations such as the Birmingham Institute for the Deaf (BID), the Royal Association of Deaf People, and the Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) who will put prisoners in touch with qualified signers who will visit the prisoner. Not all prisoners who have hearing difficulties will use BSL. When a prisoner is identified as needing either an interpreter for BSL, or would benefit from receiving visits from someone who speaks BSL, the prison will arrange for an interpreter or suitable visitor through local or national support agencies.