Departmental Buildings Mr. Betts To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what his Department’s policy is on improving the energy efficiency of the buildings which it (a) rents and (b) owns; what changes there have been in the energy efficiency of such buildings in the last (i) five and (ii) 10 years; and whether his Department has adopted targets on energy efficiency improvements in the buildings it occupies over the next (A) five and (B) 10 years. Mr. Sutcliffe The Department is committed to improving its energy efficiency and to deliver on the targets set down in the Sustainable Operations on the Government Estate. These are to: increase energy efficiency by 15 per cent. by 2010 relative to 1999-2000 levels; and to increase energy efficiency per square metre by 30 per cent. by 2020, relative to 1999-2000 levels. To deliver on these targets, the Department has developed a detailed energy action plan which has identified areas where energy efficiency improvements can be made. To date, significant improvements have been gained in the installation of energy efficient light fittings, new main capital plant and the replacement of gas boilers. Automatic meter readers have been installed in DCMS buildings to enable us to monitor consumption half hourly. The Department is accredited to the Carbon Trust’s Energy Efficiency Accreditation Scheme. Mr. Betts To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what account his Department takes of the level of energy efficiency of buildings before entering into agreements to (a) rent and (b) purchase those buildings. Mr. Sutcliffe The Department has not entered into any new agreements to rent or purchase buildings since 1999. If the Department does enter into new agreements to rent or purchase buildings in future it will ensure this is undertaken with full reference to the Office of Government Commerce’s Common Minimum Standards for the Built Environment. James Duddridge To ask the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport what the location is of each office occupied by (a) his Department and (b) each of its agencies which has been (i) newly occupied and (ii) refurbished in the last 24 months; and what the floor area in square metres is of each. Mr. Sutcliffe The information requested is as follows: (a) In the last 24 months the Department has refurbished its office at 2-4 Cockspur Street, London. Floor area: 6,157 square metres. (b) In the last 24 months The Royal Parks has refurbished The Magazine in Kensington Gardens. Floor area: 300 square metres. No offices have been newly occupied in the last 24 months.