Olympic Games 2012: Facilities Hugh Robertson To ask the Minister for the Olympics what effect the reduction in the number of (a) apartments and (b) bed spaces has had on the construction costs of the Olympic village. Tessa Jowell At this time, both apartment and bed space numbers have not yet been finalised, with final numbers subject to Olympic Board agreement. It is, therefore, not yet possible to comment on the impact of any potential reduction in accommodation on construction costs. As we have stated previously, we are seeking to reduce costs by only building what is necessary for the Games. Therefore, apartment numbers have reduced, with the number of athlete bed spaces remaining as required by London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. At the same time we are preserving quality and confident we will meet IOC requirements. We are in discussion with our partners and will set out our plans shortly. Hugh Robertson To ask the Minister for the Olympics what exclusivity agreements are in force in relation to the Olympic village; and for how long each is to be in force. Tessa Jowell There are a number of exclusivity agreements within the overall Olympic Village deal, the principal one being that between the Olympic Delivery Authority and Lend Lease as developer. The exclusivity agreement officially expires at the end of the year but there is an option to extend to March 2009. Mr. Malins To ask the Minister for the Olympics when she expects to publish the KPMG report on Olympic venues. Tessa Jowell As announced after the Olympic Board in November, the KPMG report will be published subject to ensuring that it does not contain any commercial sensitive material. However, we do not yet have a final copy of the report. I am not therefore in a position to confirm the timing of its publication. Mr. Malins To ask the Minister for the Olympics what the cost to the public purse will be of the KPMG report into the suitability of the Olympic venues. Tessa Jowell The review by KPMG is not yet concluded with work ongoing on certain elements of the report. I am therefore not yet in a position to confirm what the full costs of the report will be.