Biofuels Justine Greening To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what estimate his Department has made of the quantity of biofuel to be provided in 2008-09 under the original 2.5 per cent. target under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligations Order 2007; and what estimate has been made of the quantity to be provided in 2008-09 following the amendment to the definition of relevant hydrocarbon oil from April 2009. Jim Fitzpatrick [holding answer 10 December 2008]: In the first year of the obligation it was expected that approximately 1.25 billion litres of biofuel would be supplied. As a result of the discrepancy in the RTFO order the Renewable Fuels Agency estimate that around half of the fossil fuel supplied to date may not be obligated. However, the extent of any shortfall in biofuel supplied will not be known until the end of the obligation year.