Small Businesses: Beer Mr. Hunt To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what estimate he has made of the number of singleton breweries which produce between (a) 30,000 and 49,999, (b) 50,000 and 99,999, (c) 100,000 and 149,999 and (d) 150,000 and 200,000 hectolitres per year. Angela Eagle HM Revenue and Customs estimates the number of brewers in each category, in 2007, to be as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------ |Category |Number of brewers|Percentage of brewers| ------------------------------------------------------------ |0-4,999 HL |592 |86.8 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |5,000-29,999 HL |52 |7.6 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |30,000-49,999 HL |4 |0.6 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |50,000-99,999 HL |7 |1.0 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |100,000-149,999 HL|6 |0.9 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |150,000-199,999 HL|2 |0.3 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |>200,000 HL |19 |2.8 | ------------------------------------------------------------ |Total |682 |100.00 | ------------------------------------------------------------