Departmental Recruitment Mr. Paterson To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland with reference to the answer of 13 November 2008, Official Report, columns 1320-1W, on recruitment and religion, in what ways the Department of Finance and Personnel has liaised with representatives of ethnic communities in the last 12 months. Mr. Woodward The Department of Finance and Personnel is a Department within the Northern Ireland Administration and this matter is their responsibility. Mr. Paterson To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland with reference to the answer of 13 November 2008, Official Report, columns 1320-1W, on recruitment and religion, how many people have been recruited to posts in his Department from non-Christian backgrounds in the last 12 months. Mr. Woodward The Northern Ireland Office (NIO) does not monitor the religion or beliefs of its staff. In accordance with the requirements of the Fair Employment and Treatment (NI) Order 1998, those NIO staff working in Northern Ireland are monitored for community background only.