Children in Care: National Curriculum Tests Tim Loughton To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what proportion of 11 year olds in care achieved level four in English and mathematics at Key Stage 2 in each year since 1997. Sarah McCarthy-Fry The OC2 data collection collects information on a range of outcomes for looked after children from local authorities. The latest information has been published in the Statistical First Release “Outcome Indicators for Children Looked After, 12 months to 30 September 2007—England” (SFR 08/2008), which is available on the Department’s website via the following link. This publication contains figures for the period 2005-07. The latest information on attainment in schools can be found in table B which shows the number eligible to sit KS2 tests and the number and percentage who have achieved at least level 4 in English, mathematics and science. Information on the attainment of looked after children was first collected in 2000, figures for earlier years are also published on the Department’s website and can be found via the following links: Figures for 2002-04 are available in volume reference (03/2005) here: Figures for 2000-01 are available in volume reference (DHA/OL(OUT)01) here: