Departmental Marketing Mr. Grieve To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department with reference to the Answer of 17 September 2008, Official Report, column 2257W, on departmental marketing, department branding and marketing, how much was spent by (a) her Department, (b) the UK Border Agency, (c) the Identity and Passport Service and (d) the Criminal Records Bureau and their predecessors in each of the last five years. Jacqui Smith The following table summarises spend of Home Office, UKBA, IPS and CRB over the last five years on branding and marketing. --------------------------------------------------- | |Home Office|UKBA |IPS |CRB | --------------------------------------------------- | |Branding |Marketing |Branding|Marketing|Branding|Marketing|B/M| --------------------------------------------------- |2003-04|80,200 |8,462,070 |0 |0 |0|410,000|0| --------------------------------------------------- |2004-05|123,054 |11,312,765|0 |0 |0|138,000|0| --------------------------------------------------- |2005-06|67,613 |9,348,810 |0 |0 |0|160,000|0| --------------------------------------------------- |2006-07|66,720 |13,658,673|0 |0 |37,825|239,000|0| --------------------------------------------------- |2007-08|2,540 |8,143,961 |95,969 |0 |17,304|1,694,000|0| --------------------------------------------------- The figures provided for branding include the research and development of new brands as well as logo design and application. They include brands developed for campaigns as well as organisational brands. The Home Office branding figures also include work undertaken on behalf of executive agencies and NDPBs. The figures provided for marketing include the research and development of campaigns, and media costs for press, radio, TV and poster advertising (exclusive of VAT and fees). The Home Office is responsible for some of the public’s biggest concerns such as counter terrorism, crime and immigration. The level of marketing spend amounts to less than 1 per cent. of the Home Office overall budget. In order to match resources to priorities we focus on where we will get the most impact and value and where we will deliver the greatest return on investment.