Probation Service Mr. Ieuan Wyn Jones To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what research he has commissioned on the effectiveness of the Probation Service. [19461] Ms Quin [holding answer 9 December 1997]: Since 1 May, the Home Office has published two research studies which are relevant to the effectiveness of the probation service: Home Office Research Studies 169 (which examined how the service deals with offenders' literacy problems) and 171 (which examined the effectiveness of supervision programmes directed towards changing offenders' behaviour).The following pieces of research are in progress or being prepared for publication: a study of the impact, in terms of rate of reconviction, of different kinds of programme aimed specifically at young offenders convicted of motoring-related offences; a study of new approaches in the Inner London and Surrey probation areas to improving offenders' employability; an evaluation of the community sentence demonstration projects in Teesside and Shropshire; and a study of the effectiveness of supervision programmes involving physically demanding activities. A review by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation of supervision programmes against the critical success factors identified through research is also to be published early next year. Mr. Beith To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what has been the percentage change in (a) probation staff, (b) probation administrative staff and (c) probation staff working in prisons since June 1994; and if he will make a statement. [18646] Ms Quin [holding answer 8 December 1997]: Between June 1994 and June 1997, there was a 10 per cent. reduction in probation staff as a whole, a 16 per cent. reduction in administrative clerical and secretarial staff and a per cent. reduction in probation staff working in Prison Service establishments.