Poverty: Children Chris Ruane To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many children were living in absolute low income in each region in each of the last 10 years. Kitty Ussher Specific information regarding low income for the United Kingdom is available in "Households Below Average Income 1994/95-2006/07". Information on the numbers of children below 60 per cent. of 1998-99 median income by region is set out in the following table. Three survey year averages are given for each of the regions as robust single year estimates cannot be produced because of volatility in estimates. Number of children living in households with less than 60 per cent of absolute 1998-99 median household income held constant in real terms, by region or country: 1996-97-1998-99 to 2004-05-2006-07Million1996-97 to 1998-991997-98 to 1999-20001998-99 to 2000-011999-2000 to 2001-022000-01 to 2002-032001-02 to 2003-042002-03 to 2004-052003-04 to 2005-062004-05 to 2006-07Before housing costsNorth East0. West0. and the Humber0. Midlands0. Midlands0. of England0. East0. West0. Ireland1—1— housing costsNorth East0. West0. and the Humber0. Midlands0. Midlands0. of England0. East0. West0. Ireland1—1— 1 Not available. Notes: 1. These statistics are based on Households Below Average Income data. 2. Small differences should be treated with caution as these will be affected by sampling error and variability in non-response. 3. The reference period for Households Below Average Income figures is single financial years. Three sample years have been combined as regional single year estimates are subject to volatility. 4. The income measures used to derive the estimates shown employ the same methodology as the Department for Work and Pensions publication “Households Below Average Income” series, which uses disposable household income, adjusted (or "equivalised") for household size and composition, as an income measure as a proxy for standard of living. Median incomes are used as the national average in the publication. 5. The figures are based on OECD equalisation factors. 6. Figures have been presented on both a Before Housing Cost and After Housing Cost basis. For Before Housing Cost, housing costs (such as rent, water rates, mortgage interest payments, structural insurance payments and ground rent and service charges) are not deducted from income, while for After Housing Cost they are. 7. Data for Northern Ireland are only available from 1998-99 to 2000-01 onwards. 8. Numbers of children in low-income households have been rounded to the nearest 100,000 children. Source: Households Below Average Income. Jenny Willott To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many children lived in (a) absolute and (b) relative poverty in each year between 1979 and 1997. Kitty Ussher The available information on the number of children living in relative and absolute low income since 1979 is given in tables 4.3tr and 4.4tr of the Households Below Average Income publication, published in June 2008, which is available in the Library. Information is not available for all years requested.