Age Miss McIntosh To ask the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what the average age of (a) men and (b) women resident in (i) North Yorkshire and (ii) England was at the latest date for which information is available. Kevin Brennan The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply. Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated January 2009: As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your question on what the average age is of (a) men and (b) women resident in (i) North Yorkshire and (ii) England at the latest date for which data is available. (247600) The median age of the resident male and female population in North Yorkshire England was 42 years and 45 years respectively, and the median age of the male and female population in England was 38 and 40 years respectively. These data are based on mid-2007 population estimates which are the latest available.