Young People: Antisocial Behaviour John Bercow To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families what steps the Youth Taskforce has taken to improve responses to (a) antisocial behaviour and other serious problems and (b) work with Government Offices and other bodies to improve local authority performance. Beverley Hughes The Youth Taskforce is now working across the country to drive improved local delivery of services and support for young people, ensuring that every local area has an effective approach to keep young people on track. The key steps taken by the Youth Taskforce are set out in my previous answer of 19 January 2009, Official Report, columns 1154-55W. The taskforce works closely with Government offices and other key partners including children’s services, the police, youth justice and community safety services, to improve responses to youth antisocial behaviour, in line with the Government’s Improvement and Efficiency Strategy for LA performance. This includes funding specific projects to test and develop innovative approaches, ministerial and official visits, and regional and national training events for practitioners and managers, sharing practice between areas.