Departmental Work Experience Mr. Hoban To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many individuals have worked in her Department on (a) paid and (b) unpaid work experience or internships in each of the last three years; on average how many hours a week were worked by such people in each year; what types of work each was involved in; what proportion were in full-time education; what proportion did not complete their set period of work experience; and how much those who received remuneration were paid on average per week in each year. Mr. Woolas The Home Offers provides around 30 placements annually to graduates and undergraduates from a minority ethnic background and/or a registered disability. They are paid an allowance within the executive officer range. The information requested on unpaid work experience is not recorded centrally in the Home Office or its agencies. Work experience placements are authorised and organised locally by managers in business units.