Chernobyl: Children Rosie Cooper To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what discussions she has had with the government of Belarus on measures to allow children from that country who have visas to enter the UK for the purposes of tourist visits to depart Belarus without hindrance; and if she will take steps to put in place an agreement with the government of Belarus to facilitate such visits. Mr. Woolas [holding answer 6 March 2009]: The Government for many years facilitated the travel of Belarusian children coming to the UK from Chernobyl contaminated areas on charitable programmes. The Belarus authorities’ decision last year to suspend these visits pending the signing of a bilateral agreement with the UK and other destination countries means that we no longer issue visas to children wishing to enter under these programmes. Since last autumn there have been regular contacts with the Belarusian authorities aiming to conclude a bilateral agreement. These have been official level contacts between the British ambassador and the Department of Humanitarian Activities in Minsk, as well as between the UK Border Agency and the Belarus embassy in London and the Department of Humanitarian Activities. This is progressing well and we hope to find a solution soon that will enable summer visits to take place. Mr. Vaizey To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department when she expects to conclude the draft agreement with Belarus concerning the travel for medical treatment abroad of children from that country. Mr. Woolas [holding answer 6 March 2009]: Since the decision by the Belarus authorities to suspend visits to the UK by children from Chernobyl contaminated areas on charitable programmes, there have been regular contacts between the British ambassador and the Department of Humanitarian Activities in Minsk as well as between the UK Border Agency and the Belarus embassy in London and the Department of Humanitarian Activities in Minsk. These have focused on the negotiation of a bilateral agreement. This is progressing well and we hope to find a solution soon that will enable summer visits to take place.