Departmental Hotels John Mann To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how much his Department has spent on hotel accommodation for officials in (a) the last 12 months and (b) each of the last three years. Kitty Ussher The Department has in place policies that ensure when any officials are required, as a result of their duties, to stay in hotels they are provided with accommodation that is safe, secure and of an acceptable standard. The table shows the Department’s expenditure on hotel accommodation for officials in each of the last three years. The figures need to be seen against the background of a Department with over 100,000 staff whose responsibilities cover the whole of Great Britain. -------------------------------------- |Hotel spend |£ million| -------------------------------------- |1 April 2008-31 March 2009|12.3 | -------------------------------------- |1 April 2007-31 March 2008|11.6 | -------------------------------------- |1 June 2006-31 March 2007 |9.7 | -------------------------------------- Detailed data are only available since June 2006. The figures shown for 2006-07 therefore cover an eight-month period. John Mann To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what plans he has to review the level of expenditure by staff of his Department on hotel accommodation. Kitty Ussher The Department’s Commercial Directorate reviews the level of expenditure on hotel accommodation on a monthly basis to ensure best value is being obtained from its contractual arrangements.