British Overseas Territories: Young Offenders Andrew Rosindell To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (1) how many of the personal records held on the Overseas Territories Regional Crime Intelligence System relate to persons aged 16 years and under; (2) whether records of DNA profiles are held on the Overseas Territories Regional Crime Intelligence System. Chris Bryant The Overseas Territories Regional Criminal Intelligence System (OTRCIS) is a networked computer system set-up in 1996 at the office of the Overseas Territories Law Enforcement Adviser, British Consulate General, Miami. OTRCIS provides the police, customs and immigration departments of the UK’s Caribbean Overseas Territories with a crime intelligence and information analysis secure data system. Similar systems are used by the US Military, US State Law Enforcement Agencies, UK, Australian and European local and national law enforcement agencies. There are 1,406,891 records stored on the Overseas Territories Regional Crime Intelligence System. The number of records on the Overseas Territories Regional Criminal Intelligence System that relate to persons aged 16 and under is 2,578. There are no records of DNA profiles held on the Overseas Territories Regional Criminal Intelligence System.