Victim Support Schemes: Rape Mrs. May To ask the Minister for Women and Equality (1) on what date rape crisis centres will be able to begin applying for funding from the new £1.6 million Special Fund; against what criteria applications will be assessed; who will be responsible for deciding which centres receive funding; when she expects the first grants from the Fund to be (a) allocated and (b) distributed; and at what points in the financial year such funds will be distributed; (2) when she plans to answer Question 268042, on rape crisis centres, tabled by the right hon. Member for Maidenhead on 26 March 2009. Michael Jabez Foster Details of how to apply to the Special Fund have been made available on the Government Equalities Office website since Tuesday 28 April when the Special Fund opened. This includes information on eligibility criteria, governance and assessment procedures. A Board has been established to assess grant applications. The Board comprises of representatives from the two umbrella bodies, (Rape Crisis England and Wales and The Survivors' Trust), Government and an independent member. Grants are likely to be allocated and distributed in July and August 2009.