Female: Offenders Mr. Jim Cunningham To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what assistance his Department provides to (a) young, (b) elderly and (c) female offenders in Coventry. Maria Eagle Offenders subject to probation supervision are assessed at the commencement of their order and throughout their sentence. They may have particular offence-related problems connected with their age or gender, and will sometimes receive specialist provision to take account of these where this will reduce their risk of re-offending and the risk of harm they pose to the public. West Midlands Probation Area delivers particular services for female offenders, including an Approved Premise, an accredited programme for women only, and, for women who are victims of domestic abuse, women safety workers and access to domestic abuse officers. Locally, the Coventry team has close partnerships with a number of other agencies who work with females, including offenders. Coventry's Youth Offending Team provides services specifically to young offenders aged under 18, and as a multi-agency team comprising staff from probation, social services, health, education and police, it is able to provide services to address the factors linked to young offenders' re-offending.