Tenant Services Authority Grant Shapps To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government which of his Department’s (a) strategic objectives and (b) public service agreement targets require action from (i) the Tenant Services Authority and (ii) the Homes and Communities Agency. John Healey The work of the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) contributes to the following public service agreements (PSAs): PSA20: Increase long term housing supply and affordability PSA21: Build more cohesive, empowered and active communities PSA23: Make communities safer. The TSA’s work also contributes to three of Communities and Local Government’s (CLG) six departmental strategic objectives (DSOs): DSO2: To improve the supply, environmental performance and quality of housing that is more responsive to the needs of individuals, communities and the economy. DSO3: To build prosperous communities by improving the economic performance of cities, sub-regions and local areas, promoting regeneration and tackling deprivation. DSO4: To develop communities that are cohesive, active and resilient to extremism. The Homes and Communities Agency’s corporate plan for 2009-10 to 2010-11 explains how it contributes to the Government’s PSAs and CLG’s DSOs. The corporate plan is available via the HCA’s website: http://www.homesandcommunities.co.uk/