British Overseas Airways Corporation Pilots (Flying Hours) 12. Wing-Commander Grant - Ferris asked the Secretary of State for Air whether he is aware that many British Overseas Airways Corporation pilots are flying many more hours per month than are allowed by the regulation; that one has flown, approximately, 200 hours in 14 days recently; and what steps are being taken to relieve these pilots? Sir A. Sinclair The regulations provide that a holder of a licence who has completed 125 hours flying as a pilot in any period of 30 days should be medically examined and pronounced fit before continuing to fly. War-time requirements necessitate from time to time that pilots should fly more than 125 hours a month; the average is less than this figure. I have no information which suggests that the regulations are not complied with generally, or as to the particular case referred to in the second part of the Question. If my hon. and gallant Friend will let me have details, I will have inquiries made. Flying-Boat "Clare" (Incident) 13. Wing - Commander Grant-Ferris asked the Secretary of State for Air why the British Overseas Airways Corporation's flying-boat "Clare" was left riding at anchor for 1¾ hours, on the 26th instant, when it was known to the British Overseas Airways Corporation authorities on shore that passengers were seriously ill; and will he take steps to avoid similar occurrences in future? Sir A. Sinclair The circumstances of this incident are being looked into, and I will communicate with my hon. and gallant Friend in due course.