Vaccination Act, 1907 87. Mr. BARNES asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the fact that Mrs. Wallis, of Plymouth, on 28th January, 1913, before a Plymouth magistrate, made a declaration of conscientious objection under the Vaccination Act, 1907, as her husband was serving on one of His Majesty's ships, in respect to a child born on 5th October, 1912; that, as the vaccination officer refused to acknowledge this, the father of the infant also made a declaration on 1st February aboard his ship before the chaplain, who said he was eligible to sign such declaration, but that this form was rejected by the vaccination officer; and, seeing that where the father of a child is not in a position to make the prescribed declaration the mother is the responsible person so to do, will he notify the vaccination officer to that effect? Mr. BURNS My attention has been drawn to this case, and I am in communication with the vaccination officer with regard to it.