School Transport Mr. Moate asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will publish a list, from the information available to him, of the proposed new charges for school transport which will be permitted under the Education (No. 2) Bill, by each education authority. Dr. Boyson Of the local education authorities in England which are understood to have taken decisions at council level, subject to the enactment of clause 23 of the Education (No. 2) Bill, the details are as follows:— LEA and proposed charge Cheshire 20p per day Cambria 20p per day (not more than two children in a family to be charged) Gloucestershire 30p per day (third or subsequent children 15p; primary pupils free) Hampshire 30p per day (not more than two children in a family to be charged; primary pupils free) Isle of Wight 15p per day (not more than two children in a family to be charged; primary pupils free) Northamptonshire £10 per term (not more than two children in a family to be charged) Surrey 40–50p per day (not more than two children in a family to be charged) many pupil places have been available at Twyford, Reynolds and Faraday high schools, Ealing, in each of the past five years; and what proportion of these has been taken up by parents as first choice in each of the years concerned. Dr. Boyson The information relating to the transfer of pupils to these high schools at 12+ years is as follows: No charge proposed:—CornwallDevonDurhamHumbersideSuffolk