Requisitioned Premises, Maidstone 11. Mr. Bossom asked the Minister of Works why 25, Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone, is not now being released, as shops are much needed in the town and he retains large premises but two or three minutes' walk away in Week Street. The Minister of Works (Mr. Key) These premises have been specially fitted for use by the Ministry of Food as a Food Advice Centre. The building in Week Street isthe local Food Office; it is not large enough to accommodate the Food Advice Centre as well. Mr. Bossom Has not the time arrived when these food offices should be concentrated into one building so that local people may have their own shops again and so that the nation may be saved the cost of having to maintain three places to do one job? Mr. Key Wherever possible we carry out that concentration, but in this case it is not possible. Mr. Godfrey Nicholson Can the right hon. Gentleman say what special equipment is necessary to give advice about food? Mr. Key That does not fall to my Department. Sir William Darling Does not the Minister agree that the best food advice centre is a well-equipped and well-stocked grocer's shop? Mr. Key Yes, Sir, and with due cooperation and without undue criticism we may obtain such grocers' shops.