Civil Service Pay Mr. Rooker asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the current spending power of a Civil Service clerical officer on average pay for the grade who has a dependent wife and two children; and if he will show how this compares with each of the past four years. Mr. Hayhoe A male clerical officer on average pay for his grade, with a dependent wife and two children aged between 11 and 15 years, at present has take home pay of £3,502 per annum after deduction of income tax, national insurance contributions and widows' and dependents' benefit contributions.The equivalent figures of take-home pay at January of each year for the past four years, expressed in the salary scales for those years, but in terms of January 1982 prices (that is after taking account of changes in the Retail Prices Index) are as follows: ------ | | ------ |1978| ------ |1979| ------ |1980| ------ |1981| ------