River Hull 71. Commander Pursey asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will state the heights above Ordnance Datum, Newlyn, of the flood prevention banks and wharves of the River Humber, inside the Hull City boundary, from the River Humber to Sutton Bridge on the River Hull, and above Sutton Bridge, respectively; and what steps the Hull and East Yorkshire River Board is to take to obtain one flood prevention water level for the whole of the River Hull. Mr. Vane I am having inquiries made about the height of the flood prevention banks on the River Humber within the city boundary and will write to the hon. Member.The height of wharves on the River Hull from the River Humber to Sutton Bridge is in general that laid down in the Hull Corporation Act of 1925. Above Sutton Bridge, the level of the embankment is 15ยท00 feet above Ordnance datum Newlyn.The river board will, I understand, consider whether there should be a new level when the Corporation's report on the survey in available.