Penicillin Clinical Trials Committee 48. Major Lyons asked the Lord President of the Council whether he will give the names of the committee established by the Medical Research Council in connection with penicillin; and whether this committee is charged with the direction and conduct of clinical trials? The Lord President of the Council (Sir John Anderson) The Committee is known as the Pencillin Clinical Trials Committee; its function is to organise clinical trials with pencillin. With permission I will circulate the names of the ten members in the OFFICIAL REPORT. Major Lyons Is there co-operation or consultation between that Committee and the Committee set up by the right hon. Gentleman the Minister of Supply? Sir J. Anderson Yes, Sir. The function of the latter Committee is primarily concerned with production, although it has to take clinical requirements into account. The Committee with which I am concerned has to organise and supervise clinical trials. There is considerable ground of common interest between the two. Sir A. Southby Is the right bon. Gentleman satisfied with the attempts now being made to manufacture this invaluable preparation? Sir J. Anderson Yes, Sir. Very active steps are being taken. Commander Locker-Lampson Has penicillin proved its value? Sir J. Anderson I think that has been established. Following are the names: Professor H. R. Dean (Chairman),Dr. A. N. Drury,Professor A. Fleming,Professor H. W. Florey,Dr. Percival Hartley,Mr. R. Vaughan Hudson,Dr. C. N. Scott,Dr. J. W. Trevan,Professor R. V. Christie (Secretary), andProfessor L. P. Garrod (Assistant Secretary).