Health: Screening Mr. Moss To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many (a) GP surgeries and (b) pharmacies in England are providing NHS Health Checks to people aged between 40 and 74; (2) what systems his Department has in place to assess the use of funding allocated for the implementation of NHS Health Checks. Ann Keen Primary care trusts (PCTs) began phased implementation of the NHS Health Check programme in April 2009. It is for PCTs to decide how to deliver the NHS Health Check programme in a way that best suits the needs of their local population. There are different ways that PCTs may choose to do this and could include the use of general practitioner (GP) surgeries, pharmacies and other community settings, or a combination of these. There is no centrally collected information on how many GP surgeries, pharmacies and other settings are being used to provide NHS Health Checks. Funding for the programme is not ring-fenced and provided as part of general PCT allocations. Data on spend by PCTs on implementing the programme are not collected centrally.