Knives: Crime Andrew Rosindell To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what steps are being taken to reduce the numbers of knives used in street crime. Mr. Alan Campbell Since June 2008, the Government have committed over £12 million to the Tackling Knives Action Programme, initially to tackle teenage knife crime, and since, March 2009, to tackle knife crime and tackle the minority of young people who commit serious violence, regardless of the weapon involved. Our comprehensive approach to tackling serious youth violence ranges from enforcement action, which shows young people that there are clear consequences to violent behaviour, through to prevention work, which brings about long-term change. One aspect of this has been to provide police forces with additional search equipment. We have provided 1,150 extra search arches and wands to police forces to take knives off the streets and reassure the public. As a result of on-going activity, police forces tell us that there are encouraging signs that knife carrying is reducing among young people.