Blood: Contamination David Davis To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people there are with bleeding disorders infected with (a) hepatitis C and (b) HIV as a result of being treated with contaminated blood products. Gillian Merron Based on historical data on clotting factor exposure, the United Kingdom Haemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organisation estimates that there were 2,807 patients with bleeding disorders still living on 31 March 2009, who had been exposed to hepatitis C through contaminated blood products. Of these, around 15 per cent. would be expected to have cleared the virus naturally. Source: UK Haemophilia Centres Doctors’ Organisation Annual Report 2009 and Bleeding Disorder Statistics for the Financial Year 2008-09 (September 2009), table 15. The number of patients with bleeding disorders infected with HIV, who were still living on 31 March 2009, is 346. Source: The Macfarlane Trust Annual Financial Report for the Year Ending 31 March 2009.