Departmental Theft Mr. Watson To ask the Minister of State, Department for Transport how many thefts from his Department have been recorded in the last two years. Chris Mole The figure provided here is for all items recorded as stolen in the past two years and is for the entire Department for Transport including its agencies and shared service centre. The figure provided does not include thefts where records are not available centrally, or such thefts that were not reported. While some of this information may exist in records held locally within the central Department and the agencies, it could be obtained only at disproportionate costs. Central records show that since 10 February 2008, 76 items have been reported stolen. Of these 54 were reported stolen from within departmental premises. The Department has in place access control measures in accordance with cabinet office guidance, issues staff awareness guidance on its Intranet and provides lockable pedestals and personal lockers. Reminders on security awareness are also disseminated to employees via security liaison officers within the Department teams.