Employment Hugh Bayley To ask the Minister of State, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills what percentage of people aged 24 years or under in (a) the City of York, (b) Yorkshire and the Humber and (c) England are in education, employment or training. Kevin Brennan Table 1 shows the number and percentage of people aged1 16 to 24 in education, employment or training in Yorkshire and Humber and England in quarter 4 2009. This information is from the Labour Force Survey (LFS). Estimates for small geographies such as local authorities are available from the Annual Population Survey (APS), for which the latest data available relate to 2008. Estimates for York are given in table 2. Please note that all of these estimates are subject to sampling variability, which is larger for smaller geographies, and should therefore be treated with caution and viewed in conjunction with their Confidence Intervals2 (CIs), which indicate how accurate an estimate is. For example, a CI of +/-2.8 percentage points (pp) means that the true value is between 2.8pp above the estimate and 2.8pp below the estimate. 1 Age used is respondents' academic age, which is defined as their age at the preceding 31 August. 2 Those given are 95 per cent. confidence intervals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | |Number of 16 to 24-year-olds in EET|Percentage of all 16 to 24-year-olds in EET|Confidence Interval| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |England |5,146,000 |85.2 |+/- 0.7pp | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Yorks and Humber |572,000 |83.4 |+/- 2.2pp | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Source: Q4 2009 Labour Force Survey.| | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |Number of 16 to 24-year-olds in EET|Percentage of all 16 to 24-year-olds in EET|Confidence Interval| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |York LA |30,000 |95.7 |+/- 2.8pp | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Source: 2008 Annual Population Survey.| | | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------